haven been coming online
life is hectic !
trainings,homework & more homework
im such a gd girl now la!
never sleep during lectures at all , hmm maybe except maths lectures! =X
some kuku lie to me that she drank 'grow' and she grew taller!
i almost bought it and try la! RAHHH!
stupid VIVIAN TAN! =Pp
i seriously think the teacher measure wrongly !
no matter how i look at her , she doesnt seems she grew la!hahh
im late for school 4th time this term =X
think alvin is going to cwo with me! yeah!
i wont be alone!! (:
been ever unlucky since 13th , fri !
change two bus and cabbed down to sch but im still late , didnt bring $$ to school , didnt bring school badge , scoldings from alot people , quarrel with friends..bla bla bla! )):
not in good mood recently
had serious attitude problem
I really really didnt mean it la!
its really really quite sad when u see people not talking to you or dont even bother to reply ur sms when u apologise!
and stupid M took forever to reply my sms when im so down la!
me: if i were to commit suicide , by the time u reply me i already die le la
M: wah lao eh , commit suicide will call right , where got ppl still sms
me:me la! as if i call u , u will pick up, u are having lessons la!
M: den u wait la!
me: -_-
M is such an ass!!