Thursday, June 01, 2006

i spend my whole morning n afternoon at marie house with viv.. even when she is not around

went for choir concert at night.
feel quite bad..
cos 1stly, we are late..
2ndly, i fall asleep. =X

overall it is alright
( i cant say it is bad.. cos i know zhi yi will kill me =x )

went hm wif marie. viv n lin.
walk pass some dunno wad bridge..
kinda romantic.. n all of us went crazy.. we were shouting like nobody business.
haha.. kind of dumb.. n all of us are wearing sch u. wahhaa

on the way to train station.. marie n i suddenly have strong craving for ice cream.. so we went round looking for ice cream.
both of us ate 3 scoops each.. well .. its SUPPERR DOOPER YUMMY LO. x))) i LOVE LEMON ICE CREAM! .. but i feel fat after tt.. haha

yah n now i m online!.. but ***** not online le !

her dream come true! she juz told me bout it.. i so jealous can!
i dun dare to dream too much. cos my dreams always dun come true!

i just want a little attention from you.. ** x)

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